We live out our mission by:

Equipping & staffing sustainable birthing centers


Access to health care for women and children in rural Nepal is a challenge. We believe one way to address this challenge is by partnering with the local NGO Human Rights & Peace Development Forum (HRPDF). They are based in the Solukhumbu district of Nepal, and they work to identify areas in the district that need a birthing center and that can support its operation, which includes identifying and training skilled birthing attendants. Once the birthing center is built, it becomes part of the health system in Nepal, and The Ministry of Health takes over its funding and operation. 

Establishing a comprehensive obstetric and neonatal care center in Sotang


Currently, women facing life-threatening obstetric emergencies do not have access to a medical facility in Solukhumbu. They have to be transported to Kathmandu, which is rarely possible. By building a comprehensive obstetric and neonatal care center in Sotang, we are increasing women's access to advanced emergency care, which will provide life-saving treatments to both mothers and babies. This work is done in partnership with HRPDF.

Upgrading local health clinics


The Nepal Ministry of Health has established medical health posts throughout the Solukhumbu region. These health posts provide basic medical care and education and many times are the only contact residents have with a medical professional. We work with the local health assistants to improve the quality of care provided by the post. We have provided additional equipment (such as EKG machines, oxygen concentrators, nebulizers, lab equipment, etc.) as well as additional training for the health assistants.

Ensuring that the health posts can provide high quality care is a sustainable way for impacting a large number of residents.

Running annual health camps


In partnership with the NGO The Small World (TSW), Expeditions of Hope runs 3-4 day medical clinics in rural communities that include health and wellness checks, dental care, as well as high level diagnostic screenings (cataract, pulmonary, digestive, and hearing, etc.). We partner with the local schools and invite all of the area school children to  the clinic where the children are provided with an examination, flouride treatment, and health education.

October 2017 Clinic - 1,300 patients 

October 2018 Clinic - 2,000 patients

Providing health & hygiene education for children


One way to ensure the work we do is sustainable is to provide health and hygiene education for children in the community. Our programming focuses on healthy eating habits, safe cooking practices, and basic hygiene. We also run women's health programming for young women, which includes training for how to make reusable menstrual pads.

Developing & implementing adult leadership training


An important element to the work we do is building the capacity of the local leaders through leadership workshops. We have worked with the village leaders, women's groups, and youth leadership groups.